Core Values & Mission Statement

Core Values & Mission Statement

Core Values 

Core values on the Ave represent the guiding principles of an organization’s culture including what guides membership priorities and actions within the organization. They are an essential and guiding force as our congregation grows:

Our Mission

Our mission on the Avenue is to connect people to God, join them with others in caring relationships and provide pathways to spiritual, social, and economic freedom.

We Believe In:

T – THEOLOGICALLY Sound Teaching 2 Timothy 3:16-17 
H – HOLISTIC Development of the Whole Person Matthew 25:44-46
E – EXCELLENCE in Ministry Colossians 3:23-24

A – ACCOUNTABILITY on All Levels Romans 14:10-12
V – VITAL Systems Development I Corinthians 14:40
E – EQUIPPING for Life Change Ephesians 4:20-24
N – NEIGHBORLY Kindness Luke 10:25-37
U – UNITY of Membership Acts 2:44-47
E – ENGAGING Our Community Luke 4:18-19

A new day has come

By His grace, God has allowed this church family to see the condition of His people and the changes of our world in a unique way. We believe that God has called this Church to respond in a unique way as well. We see that a new day has come. God’s Church has been commissioned to go into all the world and reach people with the lifesaving gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, traditional mainline denominations are struggling and facing great challenge in their efforts to win the world for Christ. We do not despair over this reality but see it as a great opportunity to position our ministry to meet the needs of a new generation and to engage a vast new mission field.      

Our Path

Pennsylvania Avenue is charting a new course, pioneering a fresh frontier revealing what it really means to be the church in this present age. We have an outward focus and move towards those who have felt left behind, left out, and left alone. We see those who have been branded as unredeemable and that the church and society have given up on as the new army of the Lord Jesus Christ that will help lead us to the new places that God has for His people. 


The DNA of Pennsylvania Avenue Church is that of a church where people are accepted as they are and where God can deliver, liberate, and set us free our issues for significant life change; a place that draws those considered outsiders in and where insiders are known for their compassion and generosity. A place where everyone is welcome no matter what their background or their questions or their struggles. Pennsylvania Avenue is hereby designated “The Place of Freedom!” A safe place where all of God’s people can gather and find community, experience grace, and know the power of unconditional love that releases us to be all that God created us to be.  

We Stand Apart

We are not just another church; we stand apart with an intense commitment to change lives in very real and tangible ways. We refuse to be just another building taking up space, another group of religious people more in love with their past and the name on their marquee than the hurting and lost people that Jesus died for; because our city needs people of faith making a radical difference in the lives of people.  

The Message

The message of the good news of our Savior’s love for all of God’s creation will never change, however we are called to do ministry in a world that is ever changing. Faced with this reality, God’s Church, if it is to be effective in its mission, must never compromise its message, but must absolutely and of necessity change its methodologies. We embrace change! We realize that the only reason the church exists is to redeem humankind and to advance the Kingdom of God; therefore, we are breaking the mold and doing whatever it takes to move people from where they are to where God wants them to be. 
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